The Cybersecurity Summit is an invitation-only in-person event exclusively for cybersecurity leaders from leading businesses, institutions and government establishments in Kenya. The Summit, which is in alignment with Kenya’s Vision 2030, will discuss challenges, policies and strategies towards building a cyber resilient Kenya. The Summit will also highlight the various tech disruptions for overcoming new risks inherent in digital businesses and incorporating a culture of information security in all institutions and organizations.

At the Cyber Security Summit Kenya, you will hear Cyber Security thought leaders talk about the action plans, strategies and best ways to build next-gen digital cyber vault and cyber crime resilient Kenya. You will also have panel discussions, fireside chats, Industry keynotes, solution showcases and interactive workshops to discuss how to build a stronger and secure cyber infrastructure in Africa.

Attended by 150+ CISOs, CIOs, Heads of Digital Transformation, IT Infrastructure, Cyber Security, Information and Communication Technologies and other experts in this domain, this platform will equip you with the essential tools to risk-proof your businesses.

Why Attend?

  • Brilliant Content: In-depth, trend-forward sessions – with tons of practical takeaways and ideas to keep you ahead in the IT security space.

  • Brilliant Speakers: Gain in-depth guidance from expert speakers on fine-tuning your IT security and risk management and the industry best practices.

  • Continued Learning: Gain access to speaker presentation slides and recordings, for your company to reference and use in your marketing and business initiatives, year-round.

  • Connections: Hundreds of seasoned cyber security experts, strategists, risk managers, data heads, marketers, and more to mingle and connect with. Meet your customers, vendors, expert resources, friends and colleagues of tomorrow.

  • Showcase of Technology solutions against Cyber Threats: Gather practical perspectives from many real-world use-cases shared by the market’s leading players, including early adopters and leaders from across the region.

  • Network with leading solution providers: As a delegate, you will experience cutting-edge technology from solution providers from around the world that can fulfil your business requirements.