2021 10th International Conference on Clean and Green Energy-ICCGE 2021 will be held during March 10-12, 2021 in Prague, Czech. ICCGE 2021 brings together innovative academics and industrial experts in the field of Clean and Green Energy to a common forum.
The primary goal of the conference is to promote research and developmental activities in Clean and Green Energy. Another goal is to promote scientific information interchange between researchers, developers, engineers, students, and practitioners working in Barcelona and abroad. The conference will be held every year to make it an ideal platform for people to share views and experiences in Environmental Science and Development and related areas.
Paper Publishing:
International Conference Proceeding which is indexed by Google Scholar, CAS, DOAJ, CPCI (Web of Science), EBSCO, ProQuest, EI Compendex, Scopus or International Journal of Smart Grid and Clean Energy (IJSGCE, ISSN: 2315-4462, DOI: 10.12720/sgce), and will be included in EI (INSPEC, IET), DOAJ, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, Google Scholar, Crossref, etc.
Technical Committee :
Prof. Poul Alberg Østergaard, Department of Planning, Aalborg University, Denmark
Prof. María José Cocero, Valladolid University, Spain
Prof. Riad Chedid, American University of Beirut, Lebanon
Prof. Yusuf Ali Kara, Bursa Technical University, Turkey
Prof. Xin Li, Zhejiang University, China
Prof. Qiu Nansheng, China University of Petroleum at Beijing, China
Prof. Hee-hyol Lee, Waseda University, Japan
Contact Methods:
E-mail: iccge@cbees.org
Tel: +852-3500-0137 (Hong Kong) +1-206-456-6022 (USA) +86-28-88220101 (Chengdu)
Conference Specialist: Ms. Echo