2022 IEEE the 9th International Symposium on Microwave, Antenna, Propagation and EMC Technologies for Wireless Communications (IEEE MAPE) will be held in Chengdu, China from August 26 to 29, 2022. IEEE MAPE 2022 is sponsored by IEEE, Beijing Jiaotong University and University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, and is technically supported by the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society. MAPE was initiated to celebrate of the 20th anniversary of the foundation of IEEE Beijing Section in 2005, after several years, it becomes the flagship wireless event of the IEEE Beijing Section geared toward wireless communication industry professionals interested in the latest research and design.
Wireless communication is a communication method that uses the characteristics of electromagnetic wave signals to propagate in free space for information exchange. In recent years, wireless communication technology has been developing rapidly and is most widely used in the field of information communication. With the popularization of 5G communications, researchers have turned their goals to the study of 6G technology. For the next generation of wireless communication technology, how to solve the current technological breakthroughs is what we care more about. So, this Symposium will provide a multi-discipline forum for researchers and technologists in the fields of microwave, antenna, propagation, and EMC technologies to present new ideas and contributions in the form of technical papers, panel discussions on applications in the ever-growing area of wireless communications, such as 6G、NB-IoT、LoRa etc.
The topics of the symposium will cover all of the interesting theory and techniques of microwaves, antennas, propagation, and EMC necessary for wireless communications. The topics included but not limited to below:
1. Systems and Services
* Mobile satellite communication
* Wireless Sensors and Ad Hoc Networks
* MIMO Technologies
* UWB and Impulse Radio
* 6G Mobile Wireless Systems
* Space-Time Channel Characterization and Modeling
2. Microwave Electronics
* Passive and Active Circuits
* Power Amplifiers, Linearization, and Active Components
* MMICs and Microwave Circuits
* Microwave and Millimetre-Wave ICs
* Millimetre-Wave and Sub-Millmetre-Wave Components,
Circuits and Systems
* Waveguide Structures
3. Antennas
* Microstrip and Printed Antennas
* Active and Integrated Antennas
* Array Antennas, Phased Arrays, and Feeding Circuits
* Mobile and Base Station Antennas
* Adaptive and Smart Antennas
* Ultra-Wideband, Broadband, and Multi-band Antennas
* Reconfigurable Antennas and Arrays
* Millimeter Wave and Sub-Millimeter Wave Antennas
* MEMS/Nanotechnology for antennas
4. Propagation
* Mobile and Indoor Propagation
* Millimeter- and Optical-Wave Propagation
* Earth-Space and Terrestrial Propagation
* Ionospheric Propagation
* Propagation and channel characterization
* Diversity Techniques and Fading Countermeasures
* Signal Separation and Interference Rejection
* Random Media and Rough Surfaces
5. Electromagnetics
* Electromagnetic Theory
* Metamaterials
* Complex Media and Artificial Media
* Computational Electromagnetics
* High-Frequency Techniques
* Time-Domain Techniques
6. EMC Technologies
* EMC Sources: Electromagnetic Environment, Lightning, Intentional EMI & EMP, High Power Electromagnetics, ESD, UWB
* EMC of Components & Integrated Circuits, PCB, Electronic Packaging & Integration
* EMC in Power Systems, Power Quality
* System Level EMC
* EMC in Power Electronics
* EMC in Smart Grids
* EMC in Internet of Things
* EMC in Communications: Wired & Wireless Communications, 6G, UWB, Power Line Communications
* EMC Standards, Management & Regulations
* EMC in Aerospace