2023 6th International Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering Technology (CCET 2023) which will be held in Beijing from the 4th of August to the 6th of August, 2023. Thanks to the support from North China University of Technology, First 2 CCET conferences were held in North China University of Technology, then CCET 2020, CCET2021, CCET2022 were held as a virtual event successively. CCET2023 is Sponsored by North China University of Technology, and hosted by School of Information Science and Technology, North China University of Technology.
CCET 2023 will keep promoting the information exchange on communication technology, which aims to promote international academic exchange and international cooperation, and provides an opportunity for researchers around the world to exchange ideas and latest research results, in both theory and application of communication technologies. It will deliver a rich technical program discussing the future of Computer and Communication Engineering Technology, offering distinguished keynotes, panels and technical sessions.
The technical sessions will consist of technical papers reviewed and selected by an international technical program committee representing both academia and industry, with a strong standardization background.
Computer Engineering and Technology
- Algorithms
- Computer Architecture
- Data Compression
- Image Processing
- Network Security and Cryptography
- Mobile Computing
- Parallel and Distributing Computing
- High-Performance Computing
- Autonomic and Trusted Computing
- Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering
- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
- Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
- Virtual Reality and Visualization
- Biomedical Informatics and Computation
- Information and Its Technical Education
- Wireless and Sensor Devices
- Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing
- Crowdsourcing and Information Retrieval (Big Data) and many more
Communications Engineering and Technology
- RF and Microwave Communication
- RF and Microwave devices
- Antenna and Propagation
- RF, Microwave and millimeter circuit
- Microwave Theory and Techniques
- Modulation, Coding, and Channel Analysis
- Remote Sensing and GPS
- Electromagnetic and Photonics
- Integrated Optics and Electro-optics Devices
- Optical Electronic Devices & Photonics
- Techniques of Laser and Applications of Electro-optics
- Signal Detection and Parameter Estimation
- Signal, Image and Video Processing
- Speech and Audio Processing
- Wireless Communications
- Communications Transmission
- Network Communication and many more