2023 The 11th International Conference on Control, Mechatronics and Automation will be held in Campus Grimstad, University of Agder, Norway during November 1-3, 2023. ICCMA 2023 will be organized by
University of Agder, Norway.
ICCMA has served as a wide international academic audience with the first edition held in Sydney (Australia) in 2013, followed by Dubai (UAE) in 2014 and the two consecutive editions of 2015 and 2016 in Barcelona (Spain), 2017 at University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, 2018 in Tokyo, Japan, 2019 in TU Delft, 2020 in Moscow, Russia and 2021 in Luxembourg virtually. After two years' online meeting, in 2022, finally, ICCMA was held in Hybrid Way (both online via ZOOM and onsite in Limpertsberg Campus, University of Luxembourg).
The conference provides a platform for scientists, scholars, engineers and students from universities and industries around the world to present exciting ongoing research activities, and hence fosters research relations between universities and the industry. This conference is now a well-known event worldwide and the number of paper submissions and attendees are increasing every year.
The conference aims to bring together the two fields of system design and control together. Today, flexible robotics and compliant mechanism design use nonlinearities which were once considered hindrances to system design to their advantage. In addition, advances in control technology such as nonlinear control, fractional order control are advantageously being used to go beyond classical linear control and therefore increase the applicability of complex mechanisms for robotics and mechatronic systems. In this regard, the 9th International Conference in Control, Mechatronics and Automation solicits original articles in the field of: (But not only limited for the below topics.)
Adaptive control
Biomedical instrumentation and applications
CAD/CAM Integration Technology
Complex mechanical-electro-liquid System
Complex systems
Compliant mechanism
Computational Mechanics
Computer-aided Geometric Design & Simulation
Control applications
Control engineering education
Control of biological systems
Co-operative control
Delay systems
Design, modeling and control of precision motion systems
Discrete event systems
Dynamics of flexible systems
Factory modeling and simulation
Flexible Manufacturing Technology & System
Flexible robotics, Soft robotics
Fractional order system and control
Fuzzy systems
High-speed/precision machining
Home, laboratory and service automation
Hybrid systems
Identification and estimation
Instrumentation systems
Intelligent automation | Intelligent systems
Laser Processing Technology
Man-machine interactions
Mechanical Power Engineering
Mechanism and Machine Science
Mechatronic system design
Nano-scale automation and assembly
Network-based systems
Networked control systems
Neural networks
Nonlinear control for motion systems
Nonlinear systems
Planning, scheduling and coordination
Powder Metallurgy/Casting/Sintering/Thermal Engineering/Welding
Precision Manufacturing & Measurement
Precision Mechanics & Mechatronics
Precision mechanism
Precision motion control
Process automation
Process control
Quality & Reliability Engineerings
Robust control
Sensor network systems
Smart automation
System Dynamics and Simulation
Vibration analysis and control