This training on the Bank Secrecy Act will highlight the development and implementation of BSA/AML Compliance Checklists. Attendees will learn the best practices to avoid BSA violations.
Why Should You Attend:
Why Should You Attend:
Although financial institutions have been managing BSA operations per the regulation requirements, the change in focus to BSA audits has been coming increasingly important. Regulators look to the Bank for insurance and evidence that BSA operations are being appropriately audited to ensure that BSA efforts are appropriately implemented and overseen. To ensure this is being done, BSA/AML checklists can assist in ensuring all components are being addressed and evaluated appropriately, as well as identify any deficiencies or gaps that need to be addressed.
“BSA / AML Compliance Checklists” highlights BSA / AML checklists that are being acknowledged and recognized by regulators and examiners. The areas of focus outlined in this webinar are based on best industry practice, supervisory experience and cover the major components of an effective BSA program that appropriate checklists focuses on. The instructor will look at these areas and the specifics of each area as it pertains to BSA.
In this webinar, instructor will discuss the checklists and how they can enhance a BSA/AML program.
Areas Covered in the Webinar:
In this webinar, instructor will discuss the checklists and how they can enhance a BSA/AML program.
Areas Covered in the Webinar:
- Developing BSA/AML Compliance Checklists
- Recommended fields for checklists
- Implementing checklists
- Assessing policies and procedures for checklists
- Determining effectiveness and thoroughness of checklists
- Ensuring qualified employee oversight of daily BSA operations
Who Will Benefit:
- BSA / AML Officers
- Internal Auditors
- Staff with roles and responsibilities in BSA / AML management and oversight
- Money Service Business BSA/AML Officers
- Corporate Audit
Topic Background:
Financial institutions are required to be compliant with BSA rules and regulations. Such compliance needs to be well documented and consistent to ensure financial institutions avoid BSA violations and implications. Financial institutions’ BSA Programs must have adequate policies and procedures, comprehensive risk assessments, monitoring programs, training programs, qualified employees overseeing the BSA daily operations and independent testing programs. To ensure the BSA program is comprehensive, BSA/AML checklists can be used for evaluation and monitoring, as well as a tool for identifying areas that must be addressed.
Effective BSA / AML checklists will ensure that all these components are not only implemented but are appropriate, adequate and thorough to meet the BSA rules and regulations and the needs of the financial institution. Having a strong BSA program will ensure that financial institutions are proactive in preventing BSA violations occurring and implementing corrective action for BSA issues or implications that may be identified in the BSA program.