Carbon Capture, Utilization & Storage brings together carbon capture, utilisation and storage professionals and decision-makers in the energy sector to discuss the challenges and solutions of CCUS technologies development, the roadmap of net zero, cost reduction, collaboration strategy, and partnership formation.

In order to achieve the climate goal, energy companies never stop putting effort into reducing CO2 emissions. Carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) is playing an important role to address the decarbonization challenge.

This event provides a platform for industry experts to exchange the latest knowledge, strategies, and opinions to tackle the challenges. We would like to welcome all key market players and top managements to join the discussion, and the peer-to-peer network within an exclusive group of experts to share their thoughts of the current CCUS application and future development.


  • Development of CCS in a Brown-Field Setting
  • CO2 geological storage to achieve net zero emission
  • Infrastructural deployment of CCUS
  • Emerging CO2 capture technologies and incentives for deployment
  • The role of stakeholders and support from governments and industry
  • CCS on waste-to energy; the next step to reduce emissions from waste handling