Virtual Edition

#HITBSecConf is an annual must attend event in the calendars of security researchers and professionals around the world. The event provides a platform for the discussion and dissemination of next generation computer security issues. The event routinely features four days of Hands-On Technical Training and a two-day multi-track conference featuring cutting-edge hardcore technical talks delivered by some of the most respected names in the computer security industry.

HITB Security Conference is a place where ideas are exchanged, talent discovered and genius celebrated


November 15th / 16th / 17th / 18th

November 18th / 19th

✹ Keynote 1: Ask Bruce (free)

Bruce Schneier, legendary cryptology guru, and internationally renowned security technologist, will be keynoting this year’s HITB CyberWeek Virtual Edition on the 18th of November! Unlike a typical HITB keynote, Bruce is instead giving YOU the chance to pick his brain and have him answer your burning questions live during this session. Send your questions in before the 1st of November, and Bruce will pick out what he feels are the 10 most interesting questions to answer on the future of our ever changing cyber security landscape.

✹ Keynote 2: Dr. Paul Vixie (free)

Dr. Paul Vixie is an internet pioneer. Currently, he is the Chairman, CEO and cofounder of award-winning Farsight Security, Inc. Dr. Vixie was inducted into the internet Hall of Fame in 2014 for work related to DNS and anti-spam technologies.

He is the author of open source internet software including BIND 8, and of many internet standards documents concerning DNS and DNSSEC. In addition, he founded the first anti-spam company (MAPS, 1996), the first non-profit internet infrastructure company (ISC, 1994), and the first neutral and commercial internet exchange (PAIX, 1991). In 2018, he cofounded SIE Europe UG, a European data sharing collective to fight cybercrime. Dr. Vixie earned his Ph.D. from Keio University for work related to DNS and DNSSEC in 2010.

HITB CommSec Track - Security Community Track featuring 30 & 60 Minute Talks (free)

✹ Business Track - sponsored sessions

✹ HITB CommSec Workshops - Hands-on Workshops Covering Everything from Soldering to Car Hacking & More

HITB Main Track comprises 60 Minute Talks Showcasing the Latest Attack & Defense Techniques (paid)

HITB Labs - 2 Hour Interactive Hands-On Technical Sessions (paid)

Arab EmTech & Startups Conference & Hack In The Box (HITB) Security Conference has announced a collaboration to deliver the maximum benefits for the participants from both conferences to gain the access to the free tracks in both conference which happening in same period.

Follow #HITBSecConf for regular updates!