“Industrial Pollution Control Congress” on 02nd September 2024 will bring together regional and international stakeholders, including professionals dealing in air pollution control from industries, air pollution control consultancies, air pollution control technology suppliers, Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems (CEMS), suppliers and manufacturers, central and state pollution control boards, government ministries/organizations, R&D and academic institutions. 

India is the third largest polluted country in the world (as of 2023), exceeding the World Health Organization’s prescribed limit of PM2.5 by 10 times, according to IQAir. We are also the host of 9 out of ten most polluted cities in the world. We also generate nearly 4.43 million tons of hazardous waste annually, out of which, 71,833 tons is incinerable (as per the reports by state pollution control boards).

The forum will offer the participants a perfect platform to:

  • ACQUIRE knowledge, insights and best practices
  • BUILD network and visibility
  • CREATE a roadmap towards a sustainable future