[KEYNOTE] Policy Adjustment under the Rapid Growth and Huge Potential
[PANEL] Accelerating the Development and Foreseeing the Prospects
- Enhancing industrial competitiveness
- Offering Japanese companies the chance to become international leaders in the design and construction that address some of the island's challenges
[PANEL] Global Engagement and Localisation
- Chance for non-Japanese companies to participate in the projects
- The status of local wind energy development and international lessons
- Speed up the development of wind power
[KEYNOTE] Strategies of Developing Offshore Wind in Japan
[PANEL] Innovative Ways to Fit Japan-Featured Wind Energy
- Over 60 meters depth, withstand typhoons, tsunamis and earthquakes and low wind speeds
- Establishment of environmental design criteria, metocean measurement campaigns and guidelines
[KEYNOTE] Risk Management and Insurance for Offshore Wind Power Business - How to Get Better Finance
[PANEL] Establish the Reliable Supply Chain in Japan
- The balance between domestic and foreign
- Raise up the wind power industry in Japan
- Create jobs and activate the local economy
[PANEL] New Focus in the Friendlier Wind Energy Investment Environment
- Tax deduction of up to 10% of capital expenditures for companies investing in green tech
- Effective use-right negotiation
- The future implemention of FIP
DAY 2 - Offshore Wind Day
[KEYNOTE] The Role of Offshore Wind in Green Energy Transition
[PANEL] Fixed or Floating - What is Japan's Appetite?
- Competition in government policy and support
- Environmental suitability
- Standard type
[PANEL] The Long-term Cost Reduction Potential of Offshore Wind in Japan
- The next breakthrough for floating wind to drive down LCOE
- Best practices sharing
- Ways to solve the grid connection problem
[CASE STUDY] Japan's First Large-Scale Offshore Wind Farm
[KEYNOTE] Review of Round 1 Auction Process - Following the 27 May 2021 Proposal Deadline
With the closing date for the 6 month Round 1 Auction Process being 27 May 2021, many lessons are being learnt in relation to the Japanese offshore wind program
Examine key issues resolved in the Round 1 process, and its meaning for Round 2 and onwards.
[PANEL] Undertake the Massive Risks of Offshore Wind Farms
- Financial perspective: risk allocation and risk matrix insurability
- Technical perspective: typhoon, earthquake and lightning strike
- Legal persectove: monitor the development of governmental regulations