The Saudi Film Confex, presented by the Saudi Film Commission, emerges to become the heartbeat of the film industry encompassing pillars and events that support thriving activities and interests in the Kingdom to develop and enhance this industry. The Saudi Film Confex will feature a range of exclusive product presentations, promote the social, cultural and economic value of cinemas, in addition to bringing executives and investors together from across the world to create the best experience possible!

Saudi Film Confex is an exceptional networking opportunity, allowing visitors to connect with industry experts and thought leaders and engage with professionals and key stakeholders.

The exhibition offers an unparalleled showcase of the latest projects and innovations related to the film industry in Saudi Arabia and worldwide and brings together local, regional, and international industry leaders to exhibit their latest services and advancements in the film industry's value chain, and features a diverse range of leading companies. Visitors can expect to see cutting-edge technologies, equipment, and services related to production, post-production, distribution, and other opportunities that drive growth and innovation in the film industry.



Saudi Film Confex will gather both local and international companies, in addition to the presence of government entities concerned with the value chain with the aim of exchanging experiences and expertise. It showcases the latest and most advanced technologies, engaging activities, new services, and flourishing opportunities to make the exhibition a must visit destination for everyone interested in discovering the latest trends of this vital sector.


The conference will focus on powerful sessions offered by elite local and global experts that give valuable insights related to the latest industry trends and concerns; in addition to offering a glance at the cutting-edge content and topics related to financing capabilities, investment opportunities, and the need to develop regulatory procedures.

Visitors’ Journey

The Confex features several attractive and engaging activities with the aim of enriching the visitor's experience through the latest trends and technologies.

Saudi Film Confex is considered the most exciting in the film industry where local, regional, and international enthusiasts, distributors and investors will gather to exchange expertise and do business. Saudi Film Confex showcases major upcoming films, significant events, and informative workshops in addition to presenting the latest innovations to keep your business on top of industry trends.


Specialized workshops will enhance the skills and capabilities of the attendees, supporting the growth and development of the film industry locally and internationally.


 ✓ Contribute to the infrastructure development of the film industry

 ✓ Gather professionals and experts from around the world

 ✓ Provide a platform for exchanging knowledge and expertise

 ✓ Shed light on the importance of developing the film industry

 ✓ Encourage directors & actors from around the world to film in the Kingdom

 ✓ Support the development of content that reflects the Saudi culture

★ October 1–2, 2023, from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. (conference)
★ October 3–4, 2023, from 4 p.m. to 10 p.m.   (workshops)
★ Riyadh Front Exhibition and Conference Center, Riyadh, KSA